Six of Cards reading. Meaning of The Tarot Cards guide book.

Six of Wands reading


#Six of Wands reading.

Love: Meet someone who appreciates, show their admiration.

Work: Success, Victory in Something.

Story: Win in some competition.

Finance: The finance to succeed in the future. 

Family: Joyful in family, home coming of members who go to foreign.

Six of Swords reading

#Six of Swords reading.

Love: A time of choice, Striking away from lovers.

Work: Decisions between two options or two ways.

Story: What line of hesitation do you have to study?

Finance: Despair, hesitation, and not sure with fortune-telling. 

Family: The idea of going to a waterfront.

Six of Pentacles reading

#Six of Pentacles reading.

Love: Payment for the comfort of a couple.

Work: Financial work, banking, advertising pay.

Study: Pay for friend’s Meals, Inviting together for good activities.

Finance: Take out debts, grant loans, give or get help. 

Family: Receive or confer an inheritance

Six of Cups reading

#Six of Cups reading.
Love: The return of old Lovers, meeting lovers of different age.
Work: Old contacts will come back, basket delivery to trade partner, flower shop or gift shop.
Study: Congratulations on your friend's success.
Finance: Get a gift of valuables from a relative. 
Family: Unified and Happy Family.


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